Episode 62: Jennifer J. Hunter

Many writers write for their own various reasons, whether it be pleasure or an unexplainable need. For author, Zen Buddhist priest, and speech pathologist Jennifer J. Hunter, writing is a form of gratitude.

In this episode of The Written Scene, Jennifer discusses using a cat as a protagonist, the reminder to write something you're willing to spend a lot of time with, what the definition of a roshi really is, finding balance between explaining and storytelling, putting herself in each character, doing art for art's sake instead of just for work, the struggles and valuable lessons of being in a read and critique group, becoming skilled at something you didn't know you could do and also enjoy it, living 8200 feet above sea level (Ecuador), the spaciousness of spending your day your way, learning how to be with a wide range of emotions, and much more.

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Music: Addis Ababa by Eshi Era

Episode 62: Jennifer J. Hunter
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